Thursday, December 25, 2008

Bail me out

Now that the U.S. and Canadian governments have found unlimited amounts of money to give to the auto magnates ... er, I mean manufacturers ... I'd like to get in on some of that lolly.

I used have a company that distributed ultralight aircraft and trained ultralight aircraft pilots. 

Thanks to a bank induced recession in the early 1980s, interest rates went through the roof and banks called in loans and cut off lines of credit. Sales of ultralight aircraft fell through the floor. My company struggled to keep afloat for a couple of years on income from the flight school, cash injections from my personal account, and extreme belt tightening. My best flight instructor volunteered to work for no salary. That kept us barely afloat.  The final straw came when the bank cancelled my line of credit.

My company is now inactive, but with an infusion of cash I could start it up again and hire some staff. It seems like the Canadian government is putting up about 2.6 billion to save 160,000 jobs. That works out to about $16,250 per job.  If the government would give me $100,000 I could create at least 7 jobs that would last longer than the jobs in the auto industry.

I almost forgot. The Canadian government has already given the auto industry a truck load of money. Something like $300,000,000 if I remember right. Where did that money go? You don't suppose that most of it went into corporate management salaries, stock options and other benefits. And no new jobs were created. Not only that but the Big Three are laying off people right and left.

If anybody knows how to get hold of some of that government (taxpayers) moolah please let me know. If you can organize a grant of a million or so from Ottawa I'll put you on my Board of Directors and pay you a generous Director's Fee.

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