Saturday, July 19, 2014

Malaysian Airliner and Rush To Judgement

I hadn't intended to write anything more about the savage downing of the Malaysian airliner, until all of the facts were known and the perpetrators positively identified.

However, the tidal wave of accusations against the Ukrainian Separatists and Russia, based on no know facts, have got my Irish up. I have seen on TV various politicians trying to make political hay out of the deaths of nearly 300 innocent civilians. There are chicken hawks in Washington and in my own homeland, Canada, who would like to build this into WW 3. They are aided and abetted by droves of brainless talking heads on TV news programs using politically charges rhetoric, (calling the Ukrainian Separatists terrorists, for example).

All of the American and Canadian news networks are guilty of the worst kind of inflammatory yellow journalism. I can't comment on coverage in other nations because I don't see their TV.

In a previous post I suggested that one should consider who would benefit from such an outrageous act, and who would not benefit. I'll expand that a bit by asking who would clearly be harmed by such an action. I don't believe that there is any financial loss or gain to be considered; only political.

The Ukrainian Separatists would probably stand to lose the most, because they need worldwide sympathy in their struggle for independence.They wouldn't have a friend in the world if it was proven that they shot down the plane.

Russia would certainly suffer a great setback in their attemp to put the old USSR behind them and present a new, reasonable and peaceful face to world. Having this act pinned on them would cost them the loss of most of the friends that they have around the world.

I can't think of any other party who could clearly lose. So, who could gain? Let's not even think about the possibility that someone mistook the Malaysian plane for the plane that was carrying Putin back from South America. More than one nation would gladly shoot down a plane if they thought that Mr. Putin was on board.

It would seem to me that only the Ukrainian government could stand to gain, politically, and then only if they and their American backers can succeed in pinning the blame on the Ukrainian Separatist side.

I certainly don't know who the guilty one are. I don't suppose that anyone other than the one who fired the SAM know who is guilty. I stated before, and I repeat that I hope the guilty party is identified beyond the shadow of a doubt and dealt with severely.

I doubt very much if this will ever happen.

Israel is benefiting from the act of barbarism in a certain way. The MSM are virtually ignoring the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip. Even so, there is a world wide outcry of condemnation of the Israeli actions. So far, Israel has killed more people in Gaza than were killed in the Malaysian airliner downing. Not to mention a couple of thousand injured. But that is a whole other story. And no, I don't believe that there is any reason to blame Israel for the downing of the plane.

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